
The Bible in 200 Words « Soul Caffeine


God made the whole universe and everything in it. He made people in His own image. We are His Masterpiece. He created us to be in relationship with Him, but we rebelled. Even in our Sin, God still loved us and already had a plan for making everything right. He gave the Law to guide us, and prophets to teach us, but they didn’t have the power to save us. To bring Salvation, He had to come in person, so He sent His Son Jesus Christ. He is Immanuel. God with us. The Way, The Truth and The Life. Jesus showed us the Way then gave His life on a Cross to pay the penalty for our sins. After three days in the grave, He rose to life displaying His power over life and death. He gave His Holy Spirit to guide us and created His church to bring hope to the world. Everyone who rejects Jesus will spend Eternity separated from God. Everyone who repents and follows Jesus will be saved. His Grace is a gift we receive by faith. Jesus will soon set everything right and make all things new and we will be with Him forever. Amen.